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Should I be doing ESOL or Functional Skills?


Functional Skills English

All levels- Entry 1, 2, 3, Level 1 and Level 2

Click here to see ESOL levels

All levels- Entry 1, 2, 3, Level 1 and Level 2

Click here to see Functional Skills English levels

Designed for learners for whom English is an additional language and who are likely to be less familiar with the UK cultural context.

Designed for learners who can speak English fluently and who are familiar with the cultural context of UK.

Three separate 'modes' can be taken at different levels- Speaking & Listening, Reading, Writing. This suits learners with a 'spiky profile', who are more proficient in one skill than another.

Three modes must be taken at the same level- Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening & Communication. Must be passed at the same level.

Learner part-pays for course and assessment (co-funded) unless unemployed or on low income.

Course and assessment fully funded for all learners.

Focus on all aspects of the language- grammar, vocabulary, speaking and listening, skills, pronunciation, reading and writing.

Focus is on reading and writing, and improving accuracy. Target users are assumed to be fluent in English, so grammar, vocabulary, speaking and listening skills are not taught with a language learner in mind.

Taken from ‘ESOL Learners and Functional Skills English' Jenny Roden and Mary Osmaston, NATECLA